short visit to Nairobi. Report
This is my first report, to give back to forum that has helped me so much in the past. I have being mongering for the last 20 years. Because of my work I travel a lot. So it is usually short trips, very busy schedule.
A short update on Nairobi. A spend 3 days, as part of a business trip. Stayed at the Panafric. The Panafric charge 4000 to let a girl in, and the lady needs to register. On my first day I pick-up a girl at Florida, but she did not had an ID, and she was not allowed to get in. So first night I sleep alone.
After serching in this forum I found a recommendation for the Kenya Comfort Hotel suites. It was 4000 a night for a double, so I book a room, but kept the one in Panafric because of work duties. The hotel is basic, but clean. For mongering the hotel is quite good. Very friendly staff. Girls need to register, but no surprises at checkout as no fee is charged. There is another Confort Hotel downtwon, closer to the action, but I have no experience with that one.
Action. First night I went to Florida, on a Monday. Many nice girls, 90% of the girls seem to be willing and available. I chat with a few ones, pick one, around 20 years old, around a 7, and we went to the hotel. As I said before the girl did not have an ID, she was not allowed in the hotel. I gave her some money and she left.
Next day I finish work early and visit summers. Summers is an open space area full of small, basic bars. Quite a significant number of girls as early as 7 pm. Again, 90 % seem to be available. Many look like non pro, semi-pros. Many locals, just relaxing after work.
I approached a nice petite girl, very friendly and we had dinner togethe. After dinner wile waking away from simmers I see a really beautiful girl, probably a 9-10. She was with other 2 girls, and she was very shy. I manage to say good bye to my first lady, and approach the group. I engage in conversation with the other two, but finally the very pretty one got engaged. We chat a bit, and we then went to the hotel. She was very very sweet. Slim beautiful body, small but very pretty tits, a dream. Her oral was quite good, sex was ok. We spend the night together, make love three times. She never asked or mention money. She gave me her phone number and I give her 3000 s.
Next day I went again to summers. Was thinking on ringing my girl of the previous night, while waiting outside summers. I was approached by a few hardcore pros. After a while, I see a group of four girls coming in my direction. One of them make a joke and we start chatting. One of the them was quite nice. We started to talk, I invited her to go for a drink. She append to be a student, civil engineering. At first I didn't believe her, but as we speak it became clear that it was true. Long story short, we had some drinks, later went to the hotel and spend the night together. She was VEEEERY shy, too much. All in all the experience was ok. She also never mentioned money at any time. I just pay the taxi. She gave me her phone number and we say good bye with a kiss.
It does not seem to be difficult to pick up ordinary girls. While I was at the panafric, while waiting for the elevator, I started to chat with a nice young lady. She was taking some training sessions at a workshop in the hotel. She gave me her number and insisted on going out together later at night. Just a note, this is very unusual for me.
In summary, very good experience. Will be looking to go back to Nairobi with more time. If looking for semi pros, simmers seems to be a very good place, but do not be shy to approach regular girls, as they seem to be quite willing to go with a foreigner.
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